Keller Williams City View - Liz Collins
Listing Courtesy Of: (210) 478-1878, Keller Williams City-View, David Aaron Collins
Local Realty Services Provided By: Keller Williams Legacy
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211 SABINAS CREEK RANCH RD, Boerne, TX 78006
4 Beds
5 Baths
sq ft
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211 SABINAS CREEK RANCH RD, Boerne, TX 78006
Estimation provided by Keller Williams Realty Inc.
4 Beds
5 Baths
sq ft
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Property Description

Welcome to your dream home, where Old World charm meets modern luxury. This European-styled home boasts a well-appointed kitchen and sits on nearly 4 acres of land with a barn and workshop, making it ideal for a horse or pony. The exterior of the home matches with German heritage of the area, exuding character with its stone, steeply pitched rooflines, metal roof and charming stained lentil detailing. The property boasts nearly 75 trees, offering shade and serving as a sanctuary for birds. The home's four bedrooms, four and a half baths, with additional sleeping accommodations in the upstairs bunk room, offers ample space! Upon entering the residence you are greeted by the inviting dining and formal living rooms. Crafted with hand-carved Douglas Fir timbers, wood flooring, and limestone fireplace, these spaces give charm and character. A shared, double-sided fireplace imparts warmth to both the kitchen and formal living room. The kitchen boasts magnificent Bianca Rhino marble, cathedral ceiling, a 48" Italian range, and a bespoke mirrored backsplash, creating an ideal setting for culinary enthusiasts. Enhancing the kitchen's appeal, a deVOL faucet with unlacquered brass accents is a perfect blend a blend of old-world charm and practicality, accompanied by an oversized apron-front sink. The whole home filtrations system brings pure, drinkable water to each faucet throughout. The scullery kitchen, equipped with a floor-to-ceiling pantry, herringbone brick tile floor and travertine sink, facilitates seamless entertainment and meal preparation. The entries to the family room and guest room are marked by a pair of seven-foot french doors sourced directly from Northern India, Circa 1890. Significant attention has been devoted to ensuring the downstairs guest area is discreetly accessible. The bathroom features a teak shower seat with showerhead and a handheld shower. Notably, all entryways, bathroom facilities, and the walk-in closet doors are 36" wide, enhancing accessibility. This guest space offers a serene retreat, with ample natural light pouring in from the large windows that overlook the surrounding wildlife. The Master Hallway houses both the laundry room and a generously sized office. This serene master suite has Douglas Fir timbers, separate walk-in closets for him and her, a gun closet, and antique doors that open onto a private master porch - perfect for enjoying morning coffee. The Master Bathroom has a sizable clawfoot soaking tub and a spacious shower. Upstairs, you will find two bedrooms, each with its own unique charm, two full baths, and a bunk room, offering distinctive retreats. Bedroom One features a concealed Narnia closet and floor-to-ceiling built-in bookcase. The Bedroom two caters to the adventurous spirit, boasting a climbing wall that ascends to a converted attic space. In the bunk room, two wooden bunks equipped with reading lights and a large desk create an ideal environment for productive studying. Enhancing the appeal of the space, an antique arched window overlooks the beautiful backyard.

Property Details

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Property Type
Single Family Detached
Property Size
sq ft
Year Built
Days on Site
120 Days
Fuel: Propane Owned, Cooling: Two Central, Heating: Central
HOA Fees
Keller Williams City View

Activity History

Data provided by Keller Williams Realty, Inc.
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Estimated Monthly Payment

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Principal + Interest
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HOA/Condo Fee
Mortgage Insurance
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Price & Tax History

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Property Tax
Assessed Value
Assessed Value is a combination of the land and additions.
Land 288,962 + Additions 790,038
The Property History data displayed is obtained from public records and/or MLS feeds from the local jurisdiction in which the applicable property is located. As cannot guarantee that all public records and MLS data is accurate and error-free, it is important that you contact your agent directly in order to obtain the most up-to-date information available.
Keller Williams City View

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